Monday, July 25, 2011

Teacher comment

Madison, you have learnt a lot this term about being flexible and resilient. You have had to come up with alternatives when things didn’t work the way you had intended. You have had a positive attitude towards the challenges you have come up against during your project, and have worked hard on your time management. Great effort Madison!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reflection of the term and Passion Project.

Wow, today is the last day term two! So I am going to reflect on what has happened throughout the term. So two things that I enjoyed this term.... I have enjoyed the Current Affairs task on Happy Feet, the penguin, and making my posters for my passion project. Something I wished happened was that I was sure of what I was doing for my passion project earlier in the term and had sent my toys and books up to Christchurch already.

Passion Project.

Today I have finished my posters and I have put up one on the noticeboard at Enrich. Tomorrow I need to get two boxes and stick up my other 12 posters at Salford School. I am hoping to get this passion project finished so I can send the toys and books away soon!

Enjoy the holidays!

From Madison :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Current Affairs.


This week I did current affairs. Current affairs this week was about the Empreror Penguin that has visited Wellington. Their were 3 questions in current affairs and you have to find the answer or it could be your opinion. This Empreror Penguin was found on Peka Peka Beach in Wellington.

This penguin was called Happy Feet. Happy Feet got operated on by the best surgeon in Wellington. Some vets helped to get the sticks and sand out.


Madison :) ;) :0