Tuesday, November 29, 2011

End of year reflection

WOW!! I can't believe that it's the last day for Enrich for 2011! Today I have finished my Band rotunda paper scale, it looks horrible but at least it is all to scale! I have also done a reflection on my year at Enrich. ( Click on the photo to make it bigger)

My favorite thing I have done this year at Enrich was MADE awards. I could have improved on my speaking but the end process I am very proud of. I was very frustrated but it was worth all the anger I had!!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!! I know I'll have a great one!!

Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kiaora Madison,

I love your determination to complete your scale model band rotunda! It has not been an easy task to complete, but accuracy is everything when creating scale models. Getting your head around pi is huge, well done on the hard work figuring out circumferences, diameters and radii!

Enjoy your last week,


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Wow today was another full on day. Alana and Darryn are in U.S.A at the momen they will be away for a long time. So in there place are Sandy and Sarah. Today at maths talent development we were making the scales bigger or larger for 2D shapes. We also learnt how to use a compass. We had to measure the radius, diameter and circumference. Then we made a birds eye view of the tote tray area. I didn't quite get to the drawing part but I got all the measurements.

It has been very tiring today,

Later Madison

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Maths talent development

Wow I can't believe that it's term 4 already! Today has been super busy like always. The story tellers and the documentary people have a new talent development. It is either science or maths. For science it is all about gases and light and for maths, you are making a scale model of the band rotunda for the little children in the library. I am doing maths. Today we went for a walk to Queens Park to measure every little thing of the band rotunda. First we went in partners, I went with Madison M, then we made a sketch of it, everyone had to measure something. Madison and I did the steps. You would think that it would be easy but it was quite hard.



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two stars and a wish.

WOW! The MADE awards are finished! My movie is done and completed. I can't believe that next term is the last term of the year!! This term has been and past so fast!! Here is my reflection of term three. This means what I wished that happened and what I enjoyed or did well. My wish was that I was more confident in my speaking in my MADE award movie. My two stars for this term had to be writing my story and choosing the people for my movie. I have really enjoyed this super busy rushing around term. I have learnt to self manage myself better than last term.

Have a nice holiday,


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Wow today was super busy like last week! Today was the second last week for our writing movie to be finished! I am really nervous about mine I think it may be rushed.
Oh well I'll make it my best. I was super stressed. Katie told us that what ever image we used we had to write down the website it was from. We also had to make sure that the images for the background were not blurry. I learnt how to use the alpha key on keynote. The alpha key is what you highlight the part of the picture that you don't want. It was super busy like always today.



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi Madison.
You had a productive day at Enrich today! It was great to see your focus and drive for writing shine through today. We spent all of our class time working on talent development, and you were still wanting to continue through your lunch break! This shows great dedication to your writing! You have made wonderful progress with the production side of your story today, and I look forward to seeing more of your Kid-Pix presentation next week. You are well organised, and on track to having your entry ready for the week 10 due date for the MADE Awards. Keep up the fantastic work Madison.

Talent Development

Today I have started making my Kid-Pix animation! I was quite nervous when I started recording, but when I got into it I was fine. It sometimes is annoying because if I make a mistake ... all gone!
I can't wait to finish it but I'll take my time to make it just right and more perfect. I have to say that Nanny Mel is looking pimply (That is good though.)

I was going to put some of my work on but I need to change some of the characters. It was hard to find a pimply nanny so I had to draw the pimples. I'll be posting again next week,


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kid Pix

Another Quack


Today Katie showed us how to use Kid Pix to help with the production of our storytelling. Katie demonstrated Kid Pix using the story of Cinderella. Kid pix looks fun to use. I am going to use that for my storytelling. I have also been busy searching for images of some of my characters like Macy, Stacey, Quack, the wolves and Nanny Mel.

The hardest image to find is Macy. Macy is a pelican. Imagine searching for a pelican flying with it's mouth open!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So Far today.

Hi again,

So far today I have edited Stacey and Quack's Adventure and played a game of leaderboard chess. I have also completed my morning quiz. This is what I want to get done today:


Mind mapping



Where in the world.

Today I am going to be busy. I have just learnt how to use Garageband (to do a podcast), but I think I will use Kid-pix to produce my story.

See you later,


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Talent Development

Wow today was busy.

At writing talent development we looked at a range of other things that we could add to our writing to make it more interesting. We looked at things like humor, character names, lead sentences, titles, and word pictures. We had a look at Roald Dahl's website. Katie showed us the interview of him answering questions about good tips for writing

My characters have changed. Instead of Madison as the main character, I have changed it to Stacey. Nanny Mel is two faced and is extremely pimply, she also has a giant purple-ish blue-ish red-ish wart on her nose!

She actually looks like a frog.

I will add more about my writing next week.

I better go to one of the workshops,

Later, Madison. First page of

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today has been really busy.

First up today for writing talent development, we looked at the marking criteria and talked about what we needed to do for our writing. During the session I finished my story about Quack and Madison. I printed off my draft and then Katie checked it and put some suggestions of things I needed to work on. I spent the rest of the session fixing these things up.

My story is going to be made into an animation. Next week we will be carrying on with writing and I think we will be starting on the production.

We have 6 weeks after today to finish - that's not that long.

I have completed my before school pick - daily quiz. I went to the debating workshop with Alana, and completed goal setting with Katie.



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hi Madison.
You worked really well during our writing talent development today. You have chosen to work independently, and it was great to see you get settled straight away, planning all your ideas for your narrative story. You confidently shared your ideas with the rest of the group at the end of the session. You planning is clear, and your storyline is easy to follow. I look forward to you developing these ideas next week. It's great to see you so focussed Madison - keep it up!


Today I was carrying on with creative writing. We were working on ideas of our story and the structure of the the story. Structure of the story is the beginning, problem and solution. My story is about a rich French girl and her pet duck, Quack. She didn't have any parents so the nanny had to look after her. The nanny was jealous of her because the girl was beautiful and rich.
The nanny wasn't.

One day the nanny organized for Quack and the girl to go on a ballon ride. The girl didn't know that the nanny had organized for people to shoot the ballon!

I am so excited about entering the MADE awards!



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Term Three Day One.

Today is the first day of term three! This term we are all doing talent development. There were three things we could choose from. They were:

Art (Doing an art: clay sculpting and other things to put into an art exhibition),

A Southland documentary for the MADE Awards,

And creative writing for the MADE Awards. (We make our stories into a movie and send them to the Made Awards.)

For my talent development I am doing the creative writing. Today we started looking at fairy tales. We were mainly looking at the characters, plot and setting.

Today we also got a new must do can do sheet. This must do can do is a little time table that we glue into our books.



Monday, July 25, 2011

Teacher comment

Madison, you have learnt a lot this term about being flexible and resilient. You have had to come up with alternatives when things didn’t work the way you had intended. You have had a positive attitude towards the challenges you have come up against during your project, and have worked hard on your time management. Great effort Madison!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reflection of the term and Passion Project.

Wow, today is the last day term two! So I am going to reflect on what has happened throughout the term. So two things that I enjoyed this term.... I have enjoyed the Current Affairs task on Happy Feet, the penguin, and making my posters for my passion project. Something I wished happened was that I was sure of what I was doing for my passion project earlier in the term and had sent my toys and books up to Christchurch already.

Passion Project.

Today I have finished my posters and I have put up one on the noticeboard at Enrich. Tomorrow I need to get two boxes and stick up my other 12 posters at Salford School. I am hoping to get this passion project finished so I can send the toys and books away soon!

Enjoy the holidays!

From Madison :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Current Affairs.


This week I did current affairs. Current affairs this week was about the Empreror Penguin that has visited Wellington. Their were 3 questions in current affairs and you have to find the answer or it could be your opinion. This Empreror Penguin was found on Peka Peka Beach in Wellington.

This penguin was called Happy Feet. Happy Feet got operated on by the best surgeon in Wellington. Some vets helped to get the sticks and sand out.


Madison :) ;) :0

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My poem.

I have been taking some poem work shops. We have been learning about different types of poetry some types of poetry is Haiku and free verse. Haiku is a poem that goes 5 7 5. 5 7 5 are syllables. So Haiku is a syllable poem.

Free verse is just a normal poem. My poem started off to be a Haiku but then I changed it into a free verse. My poem is about Spring. This is my poem


Flowers blooming

Spring is here

scenting the air.

Busy bees flying in the sky

Flowers sending their smell around the town.

Children playing all day long,

Spring is here where it belongs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gifted Week.

This week is gifted week. I am going to say what it means to me to be gifted. I find gifted is being different in a good way. I mean that by that you think differently than other people.

When I come to Enrich I learnt more things that I wouldn't learn at my other school like Fibonacci numbers and Renzulli's model of giftedness or P4C. I like learning about these different things because I have never heard of some of them before!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Casein Pockets.

Last week I made casein pockets out of milk. You can use casein as an edible thickener, or you can make simple plastic products with it - such as buttons. I tried some, but it tasted yuck!

Here's how you make it:

How to make Casein from Milk


2 Cups of Full Milk (Dark Blue Top)

1 of Baking Soda

1/4 Cup of Vinegar

You will also need:

Medium sized pot

Wooden Spoon

Measuring Cup/Spoons

Small dish


Something to use as a mold to set your casein on

Paper Towel


  1. From the 2 Cups of Milk, measure out 2-3 Tablespoons into a small dish. Add 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda and mix until there are no lumps.
  2. Pour the remaining Milk and the Milk/Baking Soda mixture to your pot.
  3. Heat on a low-medium heat until the mixture starts to bubble (simmer), you don’t want to boil it.
  4. Turn the heat off
  5. Add 1/4 Cup of Vinegar and mix at the same time. (The mixture will start to bubble and thicken)
  6. Drain the mixture through a sieve until you are left with the lumpy part only (casein).
  7. Place the casein mixture onto your mold to set (the top of a large yoghurt pottle is a good mold to use).
  8. To remove excess moisture, pat with paper towels.
  9. Leave to set overnight.
I hope you enjoy making it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today for P4c was : Is studying better than having fun with a friend?

First I thought that playing with friends is way more fun than studying. After I had done the sheet of what we think is important to us from 1-8 , I seemed to change my answer. I changed my answer because if I didn't do my work I would get told off and that would not make happy.

The questions were :

1. What do you think of sitting in a dentist's chair? ____5_____

2. Do you like eating your favorite food? ____2_______

3. Do you like reading a book? ______1______

4. Do you like playing a game? _____2______

5. Would you help your class mate do their home work? ____1____

Those were the questions, and my answers. If you wanted them to be the most
important than it would be a 1. If it wasn't important at all then it would be a 8.

I did change my answer like I said, so I said " I would do my studying first and then do my playing with my friends.

I forgot some of the answers and Katie said " If most of your answers were other people first then you were a thing called *Orterimisim" I was one of those people.

( Orterimism means that you put people first in stead of you)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today I made a Tessellation. The rules for tessellations are no gaps and no over laps. My tessellation is triangles or mountains and some squiggles.

One of the greatest Tessellation makers was Escher.
Escher made some pretty cool illusions and some great Tessellations!
Can you tell which one is mine and which one is Eschers?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Indian Ink

Last week I started to paint my Indian Ink picture. I was painting a black cat leaping into a pile of leaves.

The colour of the leaves are red,orange and yellow.Look closely you will see my cat.

I have a problem it, looks like its jumping into a tree! So I am working on fixing that!

Now I realise that I painted the grass yellow instead of green!
You will not see this in my picture as I have painted over it.

I have learnt that you really need to watch what you are using for your colours.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fibonacci's Cows

Today I discovered Fibonacci . I thought that Fibonacci's pattern was pretty clever.

I found out that he has cows and he counts his cows and then he said that it goes with his number pattern.
The cow life matches with Fibonacci's pattern.
The cows life is part of math, did you know that?