Don’t Look now
By Madison
“Hurry they’re coming.” I called to Emma
The wet green leaves flicked in my face as I dodged through the woods. We were trying to get to the fort before THEY came.
“ Anna we won’t make it look!”
I flicked my head around and saw two scruffy boys sprinting like Usain Bolt, but THEY had guns. I agreed with Emma we wouldn’t make it, but soon they would get puffed and start to walk.
Finally the fort was in reach. We scrambled up the stairs and took cover. I crawled to the tennis ball firer and loaded it up. Suddenly my tummy fell to the ground, I could hear footsteps THEY were here...
In ten minutes it was all over. The cup was still ours. We had won the paintball battle.
Also, today I went to my French lesson and I also started on my gifted study. I am doing Sir David Attenborough. I learnt that he was born on the 8th of May 1926 this will help me for when I am doing my gifted study.
I hope the year goes fast too I can't wait till Highschool!!!!
See you next week