Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So Far today.

Hi again,

So far today I have edited Stacey and Quack's Adventure and played a game of leaderboard chess. I have also completed my morning quiz. This is what I want to get done today:


Mind mapping



Where in the world.

Today I am going to be busy. I have just learnt how to use Garageband (to do a podcast), but I think I will use Kid-pix to produce my story.

See you later,


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Talent Development

Wow today was busy.

At writing talent development we looked at a range of other things that we could add to our writing to make it more interesting. We looked at things like humor, character names, lead sentences, titles, and word pictures. We had a look at Roald Dahl's website. Katie showed us the interview of him answering questions about good tips for writing

My characters have changed. Instead of Madison as the main character, I have changed it to Stacey. Nanny Mel is two faced and is extremely pimply, she also has a giant purple-ish blue-ish red-ish wart on her nose!

She actually looks like a frog.

I will add more about my writing next week.

I better go to one of the workshops,

Later, Madison. First page of

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today has been really busy.

First up today for writing talent development, we looked at the marking criteria and talked about what we needed to do for our writing. During the session I finished my story about Quack and Madison. I printed off my draft and then Katie checked it and put some suggestions of things I needed to work on. I spent the rest of the session fixing these things up.

My story is going to be made into an animation. Next week we will be carrying on with writing and I think we will be starting on the production.

We have 6 weeks after today to finish - that's not that long.

I have completed my before school pick - daily quiz. I went to the debating workshop with Alana, and completed goal setting with Katie.



Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hi Madison.
You worked really well during our writing talent development today. You have chosen to work independently, and it was great to see you get settled straight away, planning all your ideas for your narrative story. You confidently shared your ideas with the rest of the group at the end of the session. You planning is clear, and your storyline is easy to follow. I look forward to you developing these ideas next week. It's great to see you so focussed Madison - keep it up!


Today I was carrying on with creative writing. We were working on ideas of our story and the structure of the the story. Structure of the story is the beginning, problem and solution. My story is about a rich French girl and her pet duck, Quack. She didn't have any parents so the nanny had to look after her. The nanny was jealous of her because the girl was beautiful and rich.
The nanny wasn't.

One day the nanny organized for Quack and the girl to go on a ballon ride. The girl didn't know that the nanny had organized for people to shoot the ballon!

I am so excited about entering the MADE awards!



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Term Three Day One.

Today is the first day of term three! This term we are all doing talent development. There were three things we could choose from. They were:

Art (Doing an art: clay sculpting and other things to put into an art exhibition),

A Southland documentary for the MADE Awards,

And creative writing for the MADE Awards. (We make our stories into a movie and send them to the Made Awards.)

For my talent development I am doing the creative writing. Today we started looking at fairy tales. We were mainly looking at the characters, plot and setting.

Today we also got a new must do can do sheet. This must do can do is a little time table that we glue into our books.

